What are goji berries?
Goji berries are small orange red
berries which grow on a shrub that is found largely in china, along the fertile
plains and banks of the yellow river. The medicinal properties of the goji berries
have been known to the natives of the area for several centuries and hence have
been used by them to treat a range of diseases. This amazing fruit has been
revealed to the world only recently but has been gaining the reputation of
being one of the ‘super foods’.
What are the benefits
of consuming the goji berries or the goji berry juice?
Studies have shown that consuming
the goji berry juice regularly for two weeks may help in the improvement of the
gastrointestinal functions and also soothes the body giving a sense of general
well being.
Several studies and researches
are being continuously carried out to figure out the hidden qualities of the
berries. So far it has been found that regular consumption of the goji berryjuice may help in increasing the energy levels of the body, improve the quality
of sleep, improve mental acuity and also improve the gastrointestinal
functions. It is also known to calm the body and hence brings about a feeling
of calm.
These fruits have been available
in Asian countries like Japan, Korea and china for over 2500 years. People who
have had access to these fruits have been using them for the treatment of
diabetes, high blood pressure, fever, age related eye problems, diabetes,
kidney, liver, anti – aging and also to boost immunity.
What quantity of the
goji berry juice should be consumed?
A regular dosage of the goji
berry juice should be equivalent to about 150g of the goji berries. This is
roughly the same quantity that was being consumed by the natives in the form of
traditional Chinese medicine to help in the treatment of diseases.
Regular consumption of the goji
berries or the goji berry juice is also known to help in dealing with
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurological, musculoskeletal and also
psychological complaints.
What are the results
that can be expected by drinking the goji berry juice?
Studies have shown that people
who regularly consumed the goji berry juice have shown a very significant rise
in the athletic performance of the body. Apart from this, it was also seen to
improve the quality of sleep, improve focus on activities and also calm the
nervous system.
A large number of people have
reported to feeling content, happiness and also experiencing good health after
drinking the goji berry juice on a daily basis. It is also known to
significantly reduce fatigue, leading to improved energy levels in the body.
A particularly pleasant news to
women would be that the goji berry juice is also known to be helpful in
decreasing the menstrual pains. Apart from this it is known to improve the
skin, harden nails and improve in sexual activity.
Further research is required to
ascertain the claims being made by the studies but considering that the goji
berries and its juice has been used for centuries to treat diseases, it may
certainly help in the well being of the body.