Saturday, 30 May 2015

Health Beneficial properties of Mangosteen Concentrate

Anybody who has consumed Mangosteen will definitely vouch for the amazing properties they possess. You are bound to be shocked when you hear about the innumerable benefits of the Mangosteen JuiceExperienced medical professionals, who understand the reason behind how Mangosteen heals the body and help their patients, have always written extensively about its beneficial effects.

Why does the Mangosteen help the body?
Mangosteen is known to contain about 40 biologically active, chemical compounds known as xanthones. All of these xanthones seem to have a similar molecular structure but each one of them has a chemical composition that is unique. This chemical composition of each xanthone allows it to carry out a very specific function.

For example, gamma – mangostin has anti – inflammation properties, garcinone E is known to be an anti – tumour agent while alpha – mangostin is found to be a powerful antioxidant. These and many more xanthones provide the body with a huge number of natural compounds which are to help in dealing with a number of diseases.

Mangosteen and traditional Asian healing
Mangosteen is a fruit that is native to Asia and for centuries the natives have extensively utilised the healing properties of the fruit. Traditional healers have utilised the fruit to treat inflammation, stop infection, increase the energy level of the body and many more.

This fruit has only recently been revealed to the modern world and already a large number of modern medical practitioners and researchers seem to agree that Mangosteen is very profitable to the body. It has been found that the fruit may help in preventing and maybe even in stopping a huge range of diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and many more chronic diseases.

Xanthones in Mangosteen
The immune system of the body is constantly trying to protect the innumerable cells of the body from toxins, bacteria, virus, fungi, free radicals and many other harmful agents. But sometimes our immune system does get overwhelmed and we tend to fall sick.

Free radicals are unstable atoms which have an unpaired electron. When this comes in contact with a stable atom, the free radicals steal an electron and hence damage the once stable atom and make it prone to contracting diseases. Mangosteen is known to contain xanthones in them which are a very powerful antioxidant, more powerful than the vitamin E which also happens to be one of the most powerful antioxidants in nature. Apart from being antioxidants, these xanthones also happen to be powerful immunity boosters.

Other natural compounds in Mangosteen
Apart from being a powerful immunity booster and antioxidant, Mangosteen also has other natural components in them like stilbenes, quininones, catechins, polyphenols and also polysaccharides.
Catechins have been known to be five times more powerful than vitamin C.
Polysaccharides are known to contain anti-bacterial and anti – cancer compounds. They prevent the cancerous cells from sticking on to the healthy cells and hence are helpful in controlling the spread of cancer within the body.
Quinines are also anti – bacterial and are also strong oxidants.
Stilbenes present in plant helps in fighting against fungi. Even after being ingested they retain the anti – fungal properties.

The list of the beneficial properties of this exotic fruit is never ending. Mangosteen was used as a healing agent centuries ago and it is still used as an healing agent today. 

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Amazing Health Benefits Of The Goji Berry Blend

What are goji berries? Where are they found?
Goji berry is commonly known as the Tibetan goji berry in the health food market. There are two species of goji berry, and both of them are perennial, deciduous and woody plants. Goji berries are largely cultivated in china, Mongolia and the Himalayas in Tibet. In these areas they have been consumed by the natives for centuries. It has also been known as the “happy berry” because these berries have been known to heighten the sense of calm and well being.

How is the goji berry juice known to help the body?
The fruit and the bark have been used from a very long time in the traditional Chinese medicine since it has been believed to protect the liver, improve eyesight, enhance the immunity system, and also improve the circulation among other effects. They can be eaten raw or also be brewed into a tea. It has often been used as an ingredient in Chinese soups.

What are the nutrients found in the goji berry juice?
The goji berry juice is rich in vitamins B1, B2, C, beta carotene, antioxidants, amino acids and minerals. They are also known to contain germanium, calcium, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorous, tryptophan, selenium and many more.

What are the medical properties of the compounds found in the goji berry juice?
The liver uses it to produce choline which in turn helps to calm the nerves, promote muscle growth, enhance memory and also in the prevention of the liver diseases.
This is known to be active in preventing certain major types of leukemia. It is also used to aid the treatment of hepatitis B.
It is antibacterial and antifungal.
Beta – sitoserol
Largely used as an anti inflammatory agent, it has also been used to lower the cholesterol level in the body.
A sesquiterpene, it is known to improve the health of the heart and also helps in maintaining the blood pressure.

Is it true that goji berry juice helps in anti ageing?

The goji berry juice has been hailed as the most powerful anti – ageing agent in the world due to its high antioxidant level. Foods that have antioxidants are known to protect the cells and also their components from damage due to oxidation.

It has also been known from several centuries that the goji berries help in the improvement of the complexion of the skin. Although it is hard to believe, goji berries are known to be antimutagenic, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, hypolipemic, antioxidant, immunopotentiating etc. All of these properties help to slow down the biological ageing of the body including increment of the collagen synthesis.

Does the bark and root of the goji berry plant help as well?

The bark and the root of the goji berry plant also have properties of their own. Although bitter, the antibacterial property of the bark and the root helps to control cough, lower cholesterol, blood pressure and also fever. It is also used to aid the treatment of nosebleeds, chronic fevers, asthma, tuberculosis etc.

The plant has a very long history of uses; general, medical and as an energy booster. It is a good source of fatty acids which is found very rarely in a fruit. All in all goji berry are known to help with the health of the body.

Monday, 11 May 2015

The Healing Powers Of The Cranberry Juice

Urinary tract infection (UTI), medically known as cystitis, has been found to affect about 60% of the women across the world during some or the other point in their lifetime. Sometimes it can be just once solitary incident, but in a number of cases these infections seem to recur. Almost a third of the women happen to experience the infection again within the same year.

The conventional treatment for these UTIs largely happens to be antibiotics. While these are known to help in getting rid of the infection, there have been growing concerns regarding the usage of antibiotics since it may lead to the emergence of such varieties which may be resistant to these medications.

Therefore there have been wide spread researches to come up with an alternative which will effectively battle the UTIs. One of the things being researched on as a potential medicine against them is the cranberry juice.

Certain studies have shown that women who consumed cranberry juice or a drink containing the cranberry juice may reduce the risk of succumbing to this disease by half. Hence, cranberry has shown some promising qualities to help fight the UTI.

Almost always UTIs are found to be caused by bacterial organisms. Almost 80% of the infections have been caused due to a particular bacterium called E. coli which lives in our gut. Sometimes it makes its way to the bladder by migrating through the tube which takes the urine outside (urethra) from the bladder.

It manages to move using a finger like projection (fimbriae) which can adhere or even penetrate the bladder lining.

Cranberry juice has been known to contain certain substances called pro – anthocyanidins. These compounds reduce the ability of the E. coli to form the fimbriae and hence prevent the bacteria from sticking on to the walls of the bladder. Since it cannot adhere to the wall, it can be flushed out of the system very easily.

Studies have found that if women consume the cranberry juice on a daily basis for about six months then they tend to reduce the number of UTIs to half as compared to those women who do not. It was also found that the effect remained for an additional six months, although the reason behind it is still unclear.
Benefits Of The Cranberry Juice For Men

While a lot of benefits of the cranberry juice have been centred on women, it has been found to be beneficial for men as well. Although men do not suffer from UTIs as much as women due to their longer urethras, they do however suffer from a disease called the ‘prostatitis’. This is caused due to the inflammation of the prostate glands and hence can result in discomfort.

Cranberry juice is known to be a very good source of quercetin, which is known for its anti – inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that drinking cranberry juice may help in dealing with prostatitis.

How To Choose The Right Cranberry Juice?
There are several varieties of juices available in stores which contain cranberry juice in them. But most of them contain a very small percentage of the cranberry juice while the rest of it is made up with sweetened water which is unhealthy for the body. So always try and go for that variety where the concentration of the cranberry juice is high.

This might just help you in having a clean gut and hence may help you to stay away from diseases.